La Paz: Talking to the States

A class holds a Skype conversation with an author in the US. A student’s view: ‘It’s brilliant!’

La Paz: Video conference room

Today I’m getting my first glimpse of the video conference room. It’s got an acoustic ceiling and has been fitted out with microphones and a high-res camera with zoom and panning functions. The equipment has enabled a pupil with health problems to take part in lessons from home.

LaPaz: IT

The students are working in groups to create their own video tutorial on a program of their choice. They’re using Google Docs to brainstorm and put together a plan for their work.

La Paz: Spelling practice on the computer

A group of year 2 children rush into the computer room, raring to go. Today they get to practise their spelling using learning games. They help each other out, finding where to click and to enter text and how to get rid of the ads. Sometimes one of them walks across the room to ask their fellow pupils about something. Others are sitting quietly, intently focused on their tasks.

La Paz: DaF (German as a foreign language)

The students are finding out information on Berlin, two or three to an iPad. There’s a pleasant buzz in the air – lots of interaction, no noise.

La Paz: Art

Students are using iMovie to create short films on iPads and then showing them on the digital blackboard. They’ve produced some really creative and individual films within the space of just one double lesson.

LaPaz iMovie in Art

LaPaz iMovie Art2

La Paz: Maths

The teacher kicks off the lesson by showing the content of the board saved from last time.

LaPaz digitale Tafel

La Paz: German as a foreign language

Two students have created a quiz using the program Kahoot. The quiz contains questions on the book chapter the students were supposed to have read by today. The class takes the quiz in twos using their iPads, and the answers flash up on the blackboard at the front. There’s an air of excitement, punctuated by cheers and groans.

La Paz DaF_Kaoot