St. Kilian’s German School

Founded originally in 1952, St. Kilian’s German School is a German/Irish school with a European culture and spirit for pupils aged 4-18. It is a co-educational, inter-denominational school spanning the full educational cycle from Kindergarten to Leaving Certificate. It is named after the Irish saint, Kilian, who was known for his love of study and who travelled through Europe as a missionary. St Kilian’s school cherishes the values and traditions of Europe’s Christian civilisation.

All students of St. Kilian’s are prepared for the Irish Junior Certificate and Leaving Certificate. For German, there is the opportunity to sit the Sprachdiplom exams (level 1 and 2) of the German Kultusministerkonferenz (Level A2-C1 European Framework for Language Competence). As of the school year of 2015/2016 the school offers a German Curricular Stream (Gymnasialer Bildungszweig).

Since 2005, the school entered into an official agreement with the Lyceé Francais d’Irlande (LFI) to amalgamate the Junior Cycle classes and create the Eurocampus. Students enrolled in the Lycée section of the Eurocampus can  sit the French Junior Cycle examination Diplôme national de brevet (DNB) and work towards the French Baccalauréat in the Senior Cycle of the LFI.

The school currently enrolls 765 students from 34 different nationalities.

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